Prices are subject to change without notice on all items listed in our catalog. Not all items listed in our catalog are in-stock items. Notifications will be issued for orders in which items are out of stock or will take longer to recieve. Not all items are shippable. Please allow 1-2 days for the processing of an order before final shipment. Please notify us of inaccurate/typo errors listed in our website. We attempt to be as accurate as possible and eliminate errors on the site; however, we do not warrant that any product, service, description, photograph, pricing or other information is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. In the event of an error, whether on the site, in an order confirmation, in processing an order, delivering a product or service or otherwise, we reserve the right to correct such error and revise your order accordingly if necessary (including charging the correct price) or to cancel the order and refund any amount charged.
Products may unexpectedly be out of stock or unavailable. In the event of an item that is out of stock, it may take 5 - 7 working days for us to recieve the product before it is shipped to you. Unfortunately manufacturers do not ship products direct to customers. In the event of a backordered item, we will contact you via e-mail or phone and alert you of the situation. You will only be billed for shipped products. The various items in our catalog frequently change and although we try to update the in-stock and out of stock products, there may be times in which our stock information is incorrect. Please contact us with any inaccurate information listed on our website at:
Items dropped off for repair:
All items dropped off for repair must be picked up within 7 days after we have contacted you unless other arrangements have been made. Staff will notify customer by text or phone call when your repair is ready for pick up. Items NOT picked up within that time period will be subject to a $2.00 per day storage fee.
Items left for more than 60 days will be donated or sold.
Special Parts Order
If you request a specific part or accessory to be ordered for you, a staff member will notify you when your product has arrived. You may be required to pay for the product at the time of order depending on the rarity of the product. If you don't come to pick it up after 2 weeks of notification, we will sell it to someone else.